Monthly archive March, 2014

Strapping- Tools and Facts

With this info-graph we are sharing information about some of the best strapping tools and the materials used for strapping. For buying quality packaging materials and strapping tools, don’t forget to visit Globe Packaging.

Fire Extinguishers For Workplace Safety

  Fire fighting has always been a challenging task and requires a great deal of expertise in order to control it. Although with the advancement in the technology we have a number of options available today to control the outbreak of fire however still when you hear a news of fire outburst, there are always casualties associated with it. Therefore one often wonders about the preventive measures which can be taken in order to successfully curb the menace of fire When we are talking about fire fighting how can we forget about the fire extinguishers? Yes you are right these are cherry coloured cylinders which you often find hanging in the offices or at times even at our home. One of the main purposes of fire extinguisher is that whenever a fire breaks out it gives you a small margin of time before you can call for fire fighters. Fire extinguishers are especially made in order to control the fire and at times they can single handedly overcome the fire therefore in order to be assured that you are safe against fire you should always keep fire extinguishers at your workplace. Talking about fire extinguishers and fire fighting there has been […]

The Bubbly History of Bubble Wraps

Bubble wraps are the common packaging material today but do you know the history behind them? Check out this info-graph and get to know about the history, types and some funny facts about bubble wraps.