Monthly archive September, 2015

Brief History of Packing Tape [Infographic]

It’s hard to imagine a world without tapes. It mends our valuable keepsakes, hold the different parts together as a fast repairing solution, keeps our wounds together and sometimes saves lives. First patent for an adhesive was issued in Britain for fish-based glue. The first commercial glue factory in Europe was opened in Holland in 1750. Duct tape was created by Johnson and Johnson during World War II to meet the need for water-resistant tape that could seal canisters and fix equipment. Below infographic, created by Globe Packaging, revolves around the amazing history of packing tape.

Not So Heavy Duty

We’ve all been there. Desperately holding down the wrapping paper with your arm and elbows as you try to rip off the cello tape with your teeth to stick the paper down and then finding you’ve not torn enough off so you repeat the procedure again. You start cursing everything, the cello tape, the paper and even the present for not keeping still! Or you’ve found yourself leaning on the lids of a box to keep them closed as you awkwardly  fiddle around with the tape trying to find the end of where it was last broken. Then even more annoying, you’ve run out of tape at the most crucial moment with no spare as backup! While you have most likely seen them in a warehouse or office environment, tape dispensers or tape guns are an absolute dream. Whoever invented it needed a good old handshake for a job well done. The first tape dispenser was invented by John A Borden, an engineer from the company 3M who was also employed as the engineer who created scotch tape in the 1930’s. John created the dispenser (roughly two years after the scotch tape was created) with a built-in cutter allowing tape […]