How to Implement

Zero Waste Packaging

in Your Business

In an era where environmental concerns are paramount, businesses and individuals alike are increasingly adopting zero-waste practices. One significant area to focus on is packaging, which often contributes to substantial waste. By carefully selecting and utilising packaging materials, we can minimise waste and promote sustainability. Here, we explore various zero-waste packaging ideas, offering practical guidance on how to use them with minimal waste.

Double Wall Boxes and Single Wall Boxes

Double Wall Boxes

Double-walled boxes are constructed with two layers of corrugated cardboard, providing extra strength and durability. They are ideal for shipping heavier or fragile items, reducing the need for additional protective materials. By opting for double-walled boxes, you can ensure your items are well-protected, minimising the risk of damage and thus reducing waste from returns or replacements.

Single Wall Boxes

Single-walled boxes, with just one layer of corrugated cardboard, are suitable for lighter items. They use less material compared to double-walled boxes, making them a more eco-friendly option when shipping non-fragile goods. When choosing single-wall boxes, consider their size and strength to ensure they meet the demands of your shipments without overusing materials.
Minimising Waste with Boxes

Size Appropriateness

Select the correct size of box for your items to avoid excess empty space that requires additional filler materials.


Encourage customers to reuse these boxes by designing them with durability in mind and providing information on how to repurpose them.


Ensure that the boxes are recyclable and clearly mark them with recycling information.

Bubble Wrap: Small and Large

Small Bubble Wrap

Small bubble wrap offers excellent protection for delicate items without adding bulk. It is particularly useful for wrapping individual items or filling small voids within a package. By using smaller bubbles, you reduce the overall volume of plastic used.

Large Bubble Wrap

Large bubble wrap is effective for cushioning larger items or filling bigger voids. While it uses more material per unit area, it can be reused multiple times, making it a practical option for sustainable packaging.
Minimising Waste with Bubble Wrap

Reuse and Recycle

Encourage the reuse of bubble wrap and educate customers on how to recycle it properly. Partner with local recycling programmes to facilitate this.

Alternative Materials

Consider biodegradable bubble wrap alternatives that break down more easily than traditional plastic bubble wrap.

Custom Fit

Use only as much bubble wrap as is necessary. Cut pieces to the right size to avoid waste.

Large Letter Boxes and Small Letter Boxes

Large Letter Boxes

Large letter boxes are designed to fit within postal regulations for larger items, maximising the space while minimising material usage. They are perfect for sending documents, books, or other flat items that need more room than a standard envelope.

Small Letter Boxes

Small letter boxes are compact and ideal for smaller items like jewellery, small electronics, or cosmetics. They use minimal material and are cost-effective for both shipping and environmental impact.
Minimising Waste with Letter Boxes

Fit for Purpose

Choose the size of letter box that best fits the items being shipped to avoid unnecessary use of larger boxes.

Material Choice

Opt for recyclable or compostable materials for your letter boxes.


For more delicate items, reinforce the letter boxes with minimal additional materials, like a single layer of kraft paper, instead of opting for a larger box.


Tape is essential for securing packages, but it can also contribute to waste if not used judiciously. Traditional plastic tapes are not recyclable and add to the waste stream.

Paper Tape

Switch to paper tape, which is recyclable and often made from renewable resources. It offers strong adhesion and can be reinforced with water-activated adhesives for extra security.
Minimising Waste with Tape

Minimal Use

Use only as much tape as necessary. For most packages, a single strip along each seam is sufficient.

Recyclable Options

If using plastic tape, ensure it is made from recyclable materials and encourage customers to separate it from the box before recycling.

Acid-Free Tissue Paper and Kraft Paper

Acid-Free Tissue Paper

Acid-free tissue paper is an excellent option for wrapping delicate items, especially those prone to damage from acidity, like photographs or textiles. It is lightweight and provides a protective layer without adding bulk.

Kraft Paper

Kraft paper is durable and versatile, making it suitable for wrapping, void filling, or as a cushioning material. It is typically made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable and biodegradable.
Minimising Waste with Paper Options

Reuse and Recycle

Promote the reuse of acid-free tissue paper and kraft paper by packing them neatly and providing instructions on repurposing them.

Minimal Use

Use these papers sparingly by cutting them to size and avoiding over-wrapping.

Eco-Friendly Choices

Choose recycled or sustainably sourced options to further reduce environmental impact.

Practical Tips for Zero-Waste Packaging

Assess Your Needs

Evaluate the specific requirements of your packaging to choose materials that provide adequate protection without excess.

Educate Customers

Include information in your packaging about how customers can reuse or recycle the materials.

Bulk Purchases

Buy packaging materials in bulk to reduce the frequency of orders and associated transportation emissions.

Supplier Collaboration

Work with suppliers who prioritise sustainability and can offer eco-friendly packaging solutions.

Zero-waste packaging is a critical step towards sustainable business practices. By thoughtfully selecting and using materials like double wall boxes, single wall boxes, bubble wrap, letter boxes, tape, and paper options, we can significantly reduce waste and environmental impact. These strategies not only benefit the planet but also resonate with environmentally conscious consumers, fostering brand loyalty and enhancing corporate responsibility. Embrace these zero-waste packaging ideas and join the movement towards a more sustainable future.