Every year we produce enough waste in all forms, which if piled up together can easily make up a bridge to moon. Every day we are devastating an area equal to the size of football ground by cutting down trees. Imagine a world filled with concrete, where instead of blue sky you have gotten into a habit of looking at the black sky. Where there is no free oxygen and you have to wear a mask in order to survive.

If you think that this is a nightmare, than be aware of the fact that the way we are producing waste, the day is not far when something similar can happen. Therefore it is imperative that we start taking initiatives in order to control this ever increasing pollution.

One of the best ways to control this ever increasing pollution is to encourage the process of recycling for the waste products. Today with the help of innovation and advancement in the technologies we can easily recycle any possible waste which was not possible until few years back. So today we are going to discuss some of the interesting facts about recycling plastics, one of the major products for increased pollution which may encourage you to prefer recycling instead of just throwing off your waste.

Some of the most common plastics which can be recycled for the business purpose include polyethylene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, low density polyethylene, polypropylene, plastic polymers and nylon.

Now before we let you all know about how these plastics can be recycled, let’s check the market value of plastics. Talking about the tax on land-filling in U.K which is £64 per ton, you can easily save a lot if you go for recycling of the plastics instead of sending them to the landfills. There are other economic benefits as well which has been listed below. Therefore check them and see it for yourself what can be your profit if you prefer recycling over landfill option for managing your plastic wastes.

In a recent survey it was found out that in U.K plastic contribute 9% of the total household waste. And unfortunately we recycle only 25% of it. However given the technical expertise we have today we can easily recycle 90% of the plastic waste, enough to provide non-stop plastic supply to super markets for years.

75% of the plastic waste ends up in the landfills which costs £64 per ton. Plastic takes more than 100 years to decay. On the other hand we can easily prevent the plastics ending up in landfills by recycling it and sending it back to the markets for use. Recycling of plastic cause almost no pollution, it is more environment friendly and helps in cutting the pricing incurred in generating plastics.

The worst impact of plastic waste is on sea creatures. The plastic which is thrown in oceans kills almost 1,000,000 sea creatures every year.

The efficiency of recycling can be judged by the fact that recycling of just one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60W light bulb for 6 hours. Imagine the power which can be saved if we can recycle all of our plastic waste.

Advantages of Recycling Plastics

  • The used plastics do have a good market value which we cannot realize as a result of which we end up sending them to the land fills.
  • Encouraging the use of recycled plastic will make sure that there is less carbon emission caused due to the refining of petroleum into plastics.
  • Recycling plastics also make sure that the emission of harmful gases like nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide is reduced.
  • Recycling plastics makes sure that we rely less on patrol and other related products.


On the whole encouraging recycling will make sure that we have a much cleaner earth and good returns on our plastic products.