eco friendly delivery:
a guide to sustainable packaging

As awareness of environmental issues continues to grow, more and more businesses are recognising the importance of adopting sustainable practices. One key area where businesses can make a significant impact is in their delivery processes. By using eco-friendly packaging, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and minimise their impact on the environment.
In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of eco-friendly delivery, the different types of sustainable packaging options available, and provide tips on how businesses can implement sustainable packaging practices.

What is Eco-Friendly Delivery?

Eco-friendly delivery is the practice of using sustainable packaging materials to ship products to customers. Sustainable packaging is made from materials that have a minimal impact on the environment, such as recycled materials or biodegradable plastics.
The benefits of eco-friendly delivery are numerous. By using sustainable packaging, businesses can reduce the amount of waste they generate and minimise their impact on the environment.
Additionally, eco-friendly packaging is often more cost-effective than traditional packaging, as it can be made from recycled materials or produced using renewable energy sources.

Types of Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging refers to the use of materials and design techniques that minimise environmental impact while still protecting the product during shipping and handling. There are several types of sustainable packaging that businesses can use to reduce waste and improve sustainability.
There are several different types of sustainable packaging options available, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common types of eco-friendly packaging include:

Biodegradable Packaging

Biodegradable packaging is made from materials that can be broken down by natural processes such as bacteria and other microorganisms. This type of packaging is an excellent option for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact. Examples of biodegradable materials include paper, cardboard, cornstarch, and other plant-based materials, as well as biodegradable plastics.
Our biodegradable bubble wrap for instance, is made of recycled & 100% recyclable LDPE polymer mixed with an additive package that rapidly biodegrades the bubble wrap in a few years – a big improvement on the thousands of years it would take for regular plastics to biodegrade.
While biodegradable plastics can often be more expensive than traditional plastics, they are much less harmful to the environment and can help reduce waste.

Recyclable Materials

Recyclable packaging can be broken down and used to make new products. Recyclable materials, such as paper, cardboard, and glass, can be reused multiple times and are much less harmful to the environment than non-recyclable materials. 
Businesses can encourage customers to recycle their packaging materials by including recycling instructions on packaging materials. Additionally, many recycling programs offer financial incentives to businesses that use recyclable materials in their packaging.

Compostable Materials

Compostable packaging is similar to biodegradable packaging, but it breaks down more quickly and can be used to create nutrient-rich soil.
Composting helps reduce waste and provides a valuable source of nutrients for plants and other organisms. Compostable materials, such as plant-based plastics and biodegradable paper, can be broken down into organic matter and used as compost.

Reusable Packaging

Reusable packaging, such as cloth bags, refillable containers, or packaging made from materials like glass, metal, and durable plastics, can help reduce waste and minimise the environmental impact of shipping products. 
While reusable packaging can be more expensive upfront, it can save businesses money in the long run by reducing the need for disposable packaging.

Minimalist Packaging

Minimalist packaging refers to packaging designs that use the least amount of material possible. This type of packaging can reduce waste and shipping costs while still protecting the product during shipping and handling.

Upcycled Packaging

Upcycled packaging is made from materials that have already been used for another purpose. This type of packaging can include things like cardboard boxes that have been repurposed, or bags made from recycled materials.

Implementing Sustainable Packaging for Your Business

Transitioning to eco-friendly packaging can seem daunting, but there are several steps businesses can take to make the process easier. Some tips for implementing sustainable packaging practices include:

Conduct a Packaging Audit

A packaging audit can help businesses identify areas where they can reduce waste and optimise their packaging processes. This can involve assessing the materials used, the amount of packaging used, and the shipping methods used.

Work with Suppliers

Businesses should work with their suppliers to ensure that they are using sustainable packaging materials. This can involve sourcing materials from environmentally responsible suppliers or encouraging suppliers to adopt sustainable packaging practices.

Educate Employees

Educating employees on the importance of sustainable packaging can help create a culture of sustainability within the business. This can involve providing training on recycling and composting, as well as encouraging employees to find ways to reduce waste in their day-to-day work.

Partner with Shipping Providers

Shipping providers can play an important role in promoting sustainable packaging practices. Businesses should work with their shipping providers to ensure that they are using eco-friendly packaging and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices.

Best Practices for Eco-Friendly Delivery

Implementing sustainable packaging practices is just the first step in promoting eco-friendly delivery. Businesses must also ensure that their eco-friendly packaging is being used effectively during delivery. Some tips for promoting eco-friendly delivery include:

Use Efficient Shipping Methods

Efficient shipping methods, such as grouping orders and optimizing delivery routes, can help reduce the amount of fuel used during shipping and minimise the environmental impact of delivery.

Encourage Customers to Recycle and Reuse Packaging

Businesses can encourage their customers to recycle and reuse packaging by including recycling instructions on packaging materials and offering incentives for customers who return packaging materials for reuse.

Reduce the Size of Packaging

By reducing the size of packaging, businesses can reduce the amount of waste generated during shipping and minimise the environmental impact of delivery. This can involve using smaller boxes or finding ways to pack products more efficiently.

Consider Alternative Delivery Methods

Alternative delivery methods, such as bicycle delivery or local pickup, can help reduce the environmental impact of shipping and provide customers with a more sustainable delivery option.

The Future of Sustainable Packaging

As consumers continue to demand more sustainable products and packaging, businesses must stay ahead of the curve in sustainable packaging practices. Some emerging trends in sustainable packaging include:

Alternative Materials

As the demand for sustainable packaging increases, new materials are being developed that offer improved sustainability and functionality. For example, mushroom-based packaging is a new sustainable packaging material that is biodegradable and can be grown using renewable energy sources.

Innovative Design

Innovative packaging designs are being developed that are more sustainable and functional than traditional packaging. For example, packaging designs that use less material or can be easily disassembled for recycling.


Automation is being used to optimise packaging processes and reduce waste. For example, automated packaging systems can help reduce the amount of packaging used and minimise the environmental impact of shipping.

Order from Globe Packaging – For All Your Packaging Needs

Eco-friendly delivery is an important practice that can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and minimise their impact on the environment. By adopting sustainable packaging practices, businesses can reduce waste, save money, and appeal to environmentally-conscious customers.
Browse our huge range of packaging for all your sustainable shipping needs.

Visit Globe Packaging