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Ideas To Reuse Old Cardboard Boxes

By reusing old products for household tasks you can keep the environment safe and pollution free. You can reuse old cardboard boxes in a number of ways. Reusing is a better approach prior to recycling as recycling process takes a lot of energy and resources. Here with this infographic, Globe Packaging (leading packaging supplier of UK) is sharing tips which can come handy if you are planning to reuse old cardboard boxes. Don’t forget to read our most popular post- Recycling story of paperboard

Tips To Use Less Plastic And Lead A Healthy Life

In a survey it was found out that 93% of the people living in United Kingdom, United States and other developed countries contain PBA in their blood sample. PBA is a plastic chemical which has an adverse effect on the body in the long run. Every year more than 10 metric tons of plastic fragment is dumped into the ocean. Over the last ten years we have produced enough plastic than during the last century. Therefore it is very important that we discourage the use of plastic and go for its alternatives, so that the increasing pollution by plastics can be curbed. Here are a few tips which can help you to reduce the use of plastic and also help you in living a healthy life. 1.) Whenever you are going for the use of plastic bottles or plastic bags, try to reuse them as many times as possible. Technically speaking average age of plastics is 100-500 years however 99% of the plastic produced is used just once and then sent to the garbage. Therefore it is important to increase the reusability of plastic. 2.) One of the other ways of reusing the plastic is to carry them along with […]

6 Essential Features Of Product Packaging

Packaging plays an important role in protecting and securing goods from any kind of damage while shipping. It helps industries in transporting the accessories from one place to another without any wear and tear. Although lots of things have changed in recent years, packaging today has turned into a solid medium of brand promotion as well. There are some essential features which make your product packaging stand out amongst the rest. These features not only increase the overall sales of the particular product but at the same time create a positive image of your brand. Have a look at these features: 1. Well designed and durable Design can really affect the buying decisions. A well designed packaging is sure to get more views and will be picked earlier compared to the ones which are inside those not so beautiful packages. When designers determine a package design, colour is the most important factor because as per the researches if buyers find a product packaging in their favourite colour, they tend to buy them first. 2. Informative With the powerful visuals, information on the product packages influence the choice of buyers. People are always looking for more information and if you succeed […]

Packaging Help for Relocation

Relocation can be a headache if it is not planned properly. Situation becomes even worse if you have not planned for the packaging of your stuff. One of the major concerns while relocating is to decide over how to package the stuffs which you have decided to carry along with you. Therefore we have come with some important helpful tips in order to help you with packaging during relocation. When it comes to packaging your stuffs for relocation it is very important that you pack only that stuff which are of use and not those which will just add up to your burden. Often we are in a habit of piling up things in our cupboard which are of not much use. But pertaining to our human nature we accumulate a lot of rubbish and other stuffs which practically have no use for us but still we have kept them for years. Therefore in order to start your packaging it is very important that you first make a list of stuffs which are important to you and has to be packed. Do make sure that you also have a list containing all those items which you have to get rid […]

How to get the right packaging product? Read Here

Every packaging product is created and designed for some specific requirements and tasks. It happens that sometimes we end up buying packaging products which are not fit for the purpose. But selecting the appropriate packaging material still lies in our hands. If you have something small to be packed and which is in large quantities, consider grip seal bags for the purpose. These bags can be used for a variety of packaging tasks. These clear poly bags are easily available in a wide range of sizes. Grip seal bags are affordable and you can buy hundreds of bags instantly, moreover you can get good deals if ordered in bulk. Another great benefit of using these bags is their durability. These bags come with a seal pack functionality which ensures the safety of the products which are being transported. Retail stores are among the biggest consumers of grip seal bags. People prefer these bags because they are clean, inexpensive and easy to carry. You can use these bags over and over again as they are durable and easily washable.  We, at Globe Packaging, are always ready to provide industry standard packaging products and solutions. Customers always search for reliable packaging materials. […]