Product packaging is going to look a lot different in a few years of time. The important questions here are whether it will be able boost sales or ruin the brand image, will it be interactive and use bio-based materials and whether all packaging will have NFC chips in them. Right now, nothing can be said for sure but following the trends, the same packet will be a lot different in say, next five years. Packaging has always been a crucial aspect of manufacturing and has created business advantages in promotion, sales and shipping. Modern shoppers however see packaging as a supportive element that either protects the content or just makes it easy to carry. The highly complicated and attractive designer packaging that we had a decade ago have silently faded away. Today consumers want packaging that is small and easy to open. Environmental concerns too are a great factor that is bringing about a change in packaging practices. Even luxury brand like Gucci is switching to Eco-friendly packaging materials. Among the several drivers to changing packaging trends, here are the top 8 reasons: Emerging Markets: Previously only Western Europeans and North Americans were considered to be the biggest consumers […]