We use plastics every day in some form or the other for different purposes. In a way plastics have become a very important part of our life. There are a lot of advantages related to plastic packaging. We have mentioned some of the important advantages of using plastics below. Plastics Are Lighter In Weight – Plastics are much lighter than other packaging materials. Plastic Is More Flexible Than Glass – In the packaging industry flexibility matters a lot. Although glass can be shaped into different sizes depending upon the requirements but plastics are even more flexible and they are quite economical too. Transportation And Storing Plastic – Plastic packaging always takes less space in comparison to the glass. They are also much lighter than the glass packaging; therefore in case of bulk packaging plastics are much more efficient than the glass. Plastic Takes Up Less Energy To Recycle –When it comes to recycling of plastics and glass, plastics take much less energy than glass which requires a lot of energy in order to get recycled. Convenience – Plastics are always convenient for packaging as they are very light weight, flexible, easily available and economical. Not As Harmful As Some Other […]
Tips To Choose The Right Parcel Packaging Materials
Sending various kinds of items via parcels is quite common. Along with important things, people also send gift parcels to families and friends. With the launch of e-commerce sites, the ordered goods are parcelled and delivered to the door of the customer. Therefore it is quite evident from the above mentioned factors that packaging materials are very important part of parcelling and without them the ordered goods might undergo damage on the transit. It is also true that packaging materials will vary depending on the product that is being parcelled. For fragile items, additional packaging materials are provided so that the item is safe from any kind of damage. Here are some useful and effective tips for making the right choice of parcel packaging materials: Choice Of Carrier Will Decide Packaging Materials – Packaging materials should be selected depending on the carrier by which the goods are to be delivered. Different carriers handle the parcels and packaged products in different manners. Along with the carrier, the location of the carrier’s sorting station or hub also plays a major role in selecting the packaging materials. For instance when rollers are used for carrying goods, plastic packaging should be avoided as it […]
How To Deal With Fire? (Infographic)
Every year billions are wasted because of the causalities and disasters caused by fire. Fire can cause damage to both life and property. In fact fire if not controlled on time can lead to some serious consequences. Therefore it is very important that we are aware of the basics of controlling fire so that if fire breaks out we know how we can control it. When we are talking about fire safety, how can we forget about one of the most important tools of controlling fire? Fire extinguishers play a very important role in extinguishing fire. There are different types of fire extinguishers depending upon the nature of fire. It is very important that we have these fire extinguishers installed at the proper places so that they can be used whenever the need arises. Check out the infographic brought to you by Globe Packaging on controlling fire.
Why Companies Should Focus On Flexible Packaging?
Businesses are looking for effective packaging solutions that can better protect the goods against damages. Especially the industries which deal in consumables and delicate items need durable and sustainable packaging materials. Product delivery is an important part of customer shopping experience and customers always prefer to receive goods in a package that can be used further for other applications as well. Reducing the damage factor while transporting goods is the prime motto here, after that comes your branding through the same packaging. The logo itself says a lot but more information can be added on the package itself to educate customers about your company. Customers are well aware of environmental impacts and in this condition automated tools which create customized packaging as per product specification is your sure bet. This way you can add more functionality using fewer materials. These kinds of investment not only help in reducing carbon footprints but at the same time you get good returns as well. Often the simplest idea is the right solution in such conditions. You don’t need to make things complicated; package should be flexible enough so that everyone can use it easily. Providing extra safety to delicate items using bubble wraps […]
Potential Of Packaging In Multichannel Retailing
The culture of online shopping is rising with a rapid speed. Now we have all the resources and technologies available at affordable costs and no one today wants to visit physical stores to buy goods as we can order almost everything from online stores while enjoying the comfort of our home. But what is the role of packaging or better we should say how packaging industry is evolving with these current shopping trends? Read it here. Multichannel retailing is going to be more effective in 2015. Now people are looking for compact packaging solutions which should be made of eco-friendly materials. Packaging which is used in big physical stores is far different than online stores. Huge changes can be easily noticed in food packaging industry as this industry particularly uses packaging materials which can keep the food fresh for a long time. The other important thing about packaging is design. Companies are investing money to get the best designs so that they can make an impact as well as circulate a positive message about their brand. On the whole these things are contributing to brand awareness. Be it a logo or safety message, design is going to play a crucial […]