Packaging today plays a very important role in making or breaking your product’s popularity. No matter if you have created one of the best products in the category however it will go unnoticed if your packaging is not at par with the expectations of the customers. Therefore make sure that your packaging does impress your potential customers. Good packaging design offers a standout experience on a loud and crowded retail shelf and it can drive sales. Successful design drives benefits for the customers, employees and businesses. Designing for sales success means understanding what your customers want, what attracts them the most and what catches their eye. Ultimately you need to convince them for buying your products through your product packaging. Packaging design today plays with the sensory properties of human influencing them through their innovation to buy them. An effective packaging design would consist of the following – 1. A clear message about what your brand stands for? It should be capable enough to convey directly the sense of your brand and how it links to the customers. 2. It should be able to trigger a sense of excitement and curiosity among the customers. A sense of elegance, commitment and […]
Tips On Reducing The Food Packaging Waste
Food and meals play a very crucial role in affecting the environment. While food is the requirement for everyone, the packaging it comes with can cause environmental pollution. Therefore we should always strive to change our habits and do something in order to make a difference to the environment. It has been found out that close to one third of the waste is produced by food packaging which if controlled can help in reducing the impact of these wastes on the environment. Here are some easy tips which can help to reduce the food packaging waste and help make your environment clean. Whenever you are going to a grocery store make sure you give attention to your packaging materials you are carrying with you or received from the grocery store. Always prefer glass and paper packaging over plastic packaging. It is always better if you can purchase the fruits and vegetables from the local farmer markets or produce stands. In case of no other packaging available except plastics make sure you escape those conditions or else you already have paper bags along with you. Make sure you avoid the individual wrapped items and go for bulk packaging. Always carry your […]
Tips To Choose The Right Parcel Packaging Materials
Sending various kinds of items via parcels is quite common. Along with important things, people also send gift parcels to families and friends. With the launch of e-commerce sites, the ordered goods are parcelled and delivered to the door of the customer. Therefore it is quite evident from the above mentioned factors that packaging materials are very important part of parcelling and without them the ordered goods might undergo damage on the transit. It is also true that packaging materials will vary depending on the product that is being parcelled. For fragile items, additional packaging materials are provided so that the item is safe from any kind of damage. Here are some useful and effective tips for making the right choice of parcel packaging materials: Choice Of Carrier Will Decide Packaging Materials – Packaging materials should be selected depending on the carrier by which the goods are to be delivered. Different carriers handle the parcels and packaged products in different manners. Along with the carrier, the location of the carrier’s sorting station or hub also plays a major role in selecting the packaging materials. For instance when rollers are used for carrying goods, plastic packaging should be avoided as it […]
Potential Of Packaging In Multichannel Retailing
The culture of online shopping is rising with a rapid speed. Now we have all the resources and technologies available at affordable costs and no one today wants to visit physical stores to buy goods as we can order almost everything from online stores while enjoying the comfort of our home. But what is the role of packaging or better we should say how packaging industry is evolving with these current shopping trends? Read it here. Multichannel retailing is going to be more effective in 2015. Now people are looking for compact packaging solutions which should be made of eco-friendly materials. Packaging which is used in big physical stores is far different than online stores. Huge changes can be easily noticed in food packaging industry as this industry particularly uses packaging materials which can keep the food fresh for a long time. The other important thing about packaging is design. Companies are investing money to get the best designs so that they can make an impact as well as circulate a positive message about their brand. On the whole these things are contributing to brand awareness. Be it a logo or safety message, design is going to play a crucial […]
Eco-Friendly Packaging For Luxury Goods
People are getting more and more environmentally conscious and as a result, luxury brand manufacturers are switching to environment friendly packaging techniques. Previously, the focus of packing goods, especially the luxury items was primarily on the degree of attractiveness. Using a variety of materials, colors and chemicals, packaging was made brighter and bigger in order to impress the customer. However, the modern consumer is much more aware then we were a decade ago. Lifestyle choices in every household are getting more sustainable and the consumer packaging industry is equally affected. Packaging manufacturers are switching to Eco friendly materials even if it costs them extra. It is not true anymore that prestige brands and consumers are just concerned about the looks and are indifferent to the environmental impacts. They understand that the package is just meant to give a beautiful cover and further to protect the item. As such, they are more concerned with the quality of the content rather than the package it comes with. At the same time, technology has helped evolve several Eco friendly alternatives to packaging materials like plastic, paper, etc. A prime example would be the leading fashion brand, Gucci. Gucci has launched a drive […]