Packaging Materials

Trends That Are Driving Changes In Packaging

Product packaging is going to look a lot different in a few years of time. The important questions here are whether it will be able boost sales or ruin the brand image, will it be interactive and use bio-based materials and whether all packaging will have NFC chips in them. Right now, nothing can be said for sure but following the trends, the same packet will be a lot different in say, next five years. Packaging has always been a crucial aspect of manufacturing and has created business advantages in promotion, sales and shipping. Modern shoppers however see packaging as a supportive element that either protects the content or just makes it easy to carry. The highly complicated and attractive designer packaging that we had a decade ago have silently faded away. Today consumers want packaging that is small and easy to open. Environmental concerns too are a great factor that is bringing about a change in packaging practices. Even luxury brand like Gucci is switching to Eco-friendly packaging materials. Among the several drivers to changing packaging trends, here are the top 8 reasons: Emerging Markets: Previously only Western Europeans and North Americans were considered to be the biggest consumers […]

How to get the right packaging product? Read Here

Every packaging product is created and designed for some specific requirements and tasks. It happens that sometimes we end up buying packaging products which are not fit for the purpose. But selecting the appropriate packaging material still lies in our hands. If you have something small to be packed and which is in large quantities, consider grip seal bags for the purpose. These bags can be used for a variety of packaging tasks. These clear poly bags are easily available in a wide range of sizes. Grip seal bags are affordable and you can buy hundreds of bags instantly, moreover you can get good deals if ordered in bulk. Another great benefit of using these bags is their durability. These bags come with a seal pack functionality which ensures the safety of the products which are being transported. Retail stores are among the biggest consumers of grip seal bags. People prefer these bags because they are clean, inexpensive and easy to carry. You can use these bags over and over again as they are durable and easily washable.  We, at Globe Packaging, are always ready to provide industry standard packaging products and solutions. Customers always search for reliable packaging materials. […]

Half Of The UK’s Consumers Prefer Paper-Based Packaging

According to a new survey conducted by YouGov, half of the UK’s consumers prefer paper packaging materials. This survey not only reveals the number of people who liked to buy paper based packaging materials but also it gives an idea about the buying preferences of the consumers. Among the 2,289 people who took part in this campaign, 57% people said that they prefer to buy paper packaging to pack their groceries. Only 8% opted out for plastic containers. In our last post we presented you with how you can recycle paperboards and contribute in making our environment pollution free. Well the things are clear now, people are looking for eco friendly solutions and they are more aware about the environment issues. Consumers were asked that if the quality and price of the product are equivalent to each other than which one of these they will prefer: 1. Retailer who sells the same product in plastic container 2. Or retailer who use paper-based packaging 47% people responded that they will prefer the second retailer who uses the paper packaging. Well we recommend you to go through this visual representation and get to know why paper-based packaging is topping the list of […]

30 Tips to Pack Your Accessories Before Your Next Move

Packing your stuffs perfectly is very important to avoid any kind of damage while moving. Here we are providing 30 tips for packing your valuables. Packing your books and documents 1. Prevent crushing of the box by filling it to the top. Make sure you don’t overfill it. 2. Pack heavy books in separate small boxes. Packing your clothes 3. After folding clothes put them into garment bags and suitcases. 4. Don’t forget to cover the delicate clothes. 5. Use wardrobe box for hassle free packaging. 6. Use large boxes to store the packed clothes. Packing kitchenware 7. Use dish-box for packing fragile accessories. 8. Put crushed paper at the bottom of the box after that pack kitchenware into them. 9. Cover plates with wrapping paper. 10. After covering all the plates with wrapping paper, make a stack and re-wrap it. 11. Store the wrapped stack of plates into cardboard box. The size and shape of cardboard box plays a crucial role. 12. Wine glasses should be packed carefully. Don’t nest them as it can cause damage. 13. Forks and spoons can be wrapped together using packing papers. 14. If possible, use liquor cartoons for glasses and cups. 15. Use […]

Tips for Selecting The Appropriate Plastic Packaging

Every year millions of tons of plastic is used for packaging. Today plastic is used in almost every possible packaging activity. From small business to big enterprises you can easily find it everywhere however often when it comes to selecting the proper plastic packaging material we face a hard time in finding the right plastic for our packaging purposes. Therefore here we are presenting you with some of the most helpful tips in order to let you find the perfect sized plastics suitable for your packaging needs. Size Plays an Important Role One of the important things to work upon before you can go for the plastic packaging is to decide about the size of the plastics which are required for packaging your stuff. Different materials require different shapes and sizes of plastic for packaging. Therefore it is very important that you are aware of the sizes of the materials to be packed. Once you have decided this you can than go for the purchase of plastics. Other factors like quality of plastics, types of plastics including bubble wraps are other points which should be considered while selecting the plastic for your packaging needs Different Types of Plastics are used […]