UK Packaging Supplies

Potential Of Packaging In Multichannel Retailing

The culture of online shopping is rising with a rapid speed. Now we have all the resources and technologies available at affordable costs and no one today wants to visit physical stores to buy goods as we can order almost everything from online stores while enjoying the comfort of our home. But what is the role of packaging or better we should say how packaging industry is evolving with these current shopping trends? Read it here. Multichannel retailing is going to be more effective in 2015. Now people are looking for compact packaging solutions which should be made of eco-friendly materials. Packaging which is used in big physical stores is far different than online stores. Huge changes can be easily noticed in food packaging industry as this industry particularly uses packaging materials which can keep the food fresh for a long time. The other important thing about packaging is design. Companies are investing money to get the best designs so that they can make an impact as well as circulate a positive message about their brand. On the whole these things are contributing to brand awareness. Be it a logo or safety message, design is going to play a crucial […]

Banding and Strapping Tool To Ship Multiple Items

The process of combining and bundling multiple items using strap is known as strapping. This is among the most common processes to provide safety and security to the goods whilst shipping. Plastic and steel are the common types of strapping materials. Suppliers who need to ship multiple goods at the same time use banding and strapping tools to make the task easy. These amazing tools are particularly designed to secure multiple goods. Banding the products together assures that the products will not fall here and there and get damaged during shipment. When it comes to banding and strapping, variety of tools and materials are easily available. You have to choose the best material according to your goods. For instance steel strapping is used where higher strength and lower stretch is required. On the other hand for light weight goods, plastic strapping is the better option. Every strapping material performs the same task (protection of goods) but in slightly different way. Tensioners are the widely used strapping tools. These small, hand held tools are used to secure smaller batches. Most of the times, tensioners are used to combine small circular items together. Sealer is another manual strapping tool. Sealers are commonly […]

How to get the right packaging product? Read Here

Every packaging product is created and designed for some specific requirements and tasks. It happens that sometimes we end up buying packaging products which are not fit for the purpose. But selecting the appropriate packaging material still lies in our hands. If you have something small to be packed and which is in large quantities, consider grip seal bags for the purpose. These bags can be used for a variety of packaging tasks. These clear poly bags are easily available in a wide range of sizes. Grip seal bags are affordable and you can buy hundreds of bags instantly, moreover you can get good deals if ordered in bulk. Another great benefit of using these bags is their durability. These bags come with a seal pack functionality which ensures the safety of the products which are being transported. Retail stores are among the biggest consumers of grip seal bags. People prefer these bags because they are clean, inexpensive and easy to carry. You can use these bags over and over again as they are durable and easily washable.  We, at Globe Packaging, are always ready to provide industry standard packaging products and solutions. Customers always search for reliable packaging materials. […]

Tips for Selecting The Appropriate Plastic Packaging

Every year millions of tons of plastic is used for packaging. Today plastic is used in almost every possible packaging activity. From small business to big enterprises you can easily find it everywhere however often when it comes to selecting the proper plastic packaging material we face a hard time in finding the right plastic for our packaging purposes. Therefore here we are presenting you with some of the most helpful tips in order to let you find the perfect sized plastics suitable for your packaging needs. Size Plays an Important Role One of the important things to work upon before you can go for the plastic packaging is to decide about the size of the plastics which are required for packaging your stuff. Different materials require different shapes and sizes of plastic for packaging. Therefore it is very important that you are aware of the sizes of the materials to be packed. Once you have decided this you can than go for the purchase of plastics. Other factors like quality of plastics, types of plastics including bubble wraps are other points which should be considered while selecting the plastic for your packaging needs Different Types of Plastics are used […]

Bleach Your House and Workplace Clean with Industrial Bleach

Are you annoyed with the bad odour of the stagnated and decaying material in your basement? What about the black moulds flourishing on the ceilings of your house? Well to be honest, each time you plan to get rid of them and every time you make a plan, you are not able to implement it because of your daily work schedule or other house hold chores. However it is very important that you maintain the hygiene of the place where you work, where you spend your time and also where you live. One of the first requirements for maintaining the proper hygiene is to make sure that you properly dispose of all your garbage and waste material. It is also very important that from time to time you sanitize your place of work and living with proper disinfectants in order to make sure that the place is not infected by the harmful and disease causing microbes. Special care must be taken for sanitizing the places like basement and the box room ceilings as these are the areas which have moisture round the clock as they are rarely exposed to sunlight and hence have potential to develop moulds and fungus. Talking about the chemicals or the agents […]